Google maps satellite street view real time
Google maps satellite street view real time

google maps satellite street view real time

Real Time Satellite Tracking lets you track any satellite live on Google The Street View option is really useful as it shows the elevation of the satellite from your point of view and provides a great guide to where you should be looking in the night sky. What really impresses me, however, is the Street View option that allows the user to view the satellite superimposed on top of Google's Street View imagery. The Google Map view shows the path of the satellite around the Earth and the Google Earth option allows you to view the path of the satellite as if you were looking down from space. ToriSat is an amazing satellite tracking website that allows anyone to track satellites on Google Maps, in the Google Earth Browser plug-in and even in Google Street View.

google maps satellite street view real time

The line of sight to the satellite is then displayed on the map. You can then select the satellite you wish to view by selecting its name from a list, sorted by continent. Using Satellite Finder you can search for an address or just click on the globe to show your current location. Satellite Finder uses the Google Earth browser plug-in to help you quickly find the direction to an orbiting satellite from any location.

Google maps satellite street view real time